
Panzer Assault Badge in Silver award document to Pz.Schütze H. Hoihomann Pz.Rgt.204.

Award document to Pz.Schütze Hermann Hoihomann 5./Pz.Rgt.204. Award documen..



"Merkblätter" Unsere Wehrmacht by the NSDP education office Danzig-Westpreussen, 1940 "Merkblätter" Unsere Wehrmacht by the NSDP education office Danzig-Westpreussen, 1940

"Merkblätter" Unsere Wehrmacht by the NSDP education office Danzig-Westpreussen, 1940

"Merkblätter" Unsere Wehrmacht by the NSDP education office Danzig-Westpreussen,..



"Quartier Unweisung" to Hoffmann, Graz 1941

"Quartier Unweisung" to Hoffmann, Graz 194. Very good condition. ..



"Spießbuch" 8 Komp. Infanterie regiment 16

"Spießbuch" of the 8 Kompanie of Infanterie regiment 16. The book is in good con..



"Totengedenktag" document to the mothers and spouses of the fallen soldiers. 9.11.11944 "Totengedenktag" document to the mothers and spouses of the fallen soldiers. 9.11.11944

"Totengedenktag" document to the mothers and spouses of the fallen soldiers. 9.11.11944

"Totengedenktag" document to the mothers and spouses of the fallen soldiers. 9.1..



13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der "SS Handschar" Iron cross 2nd class award document to SS-Uscha E. Höpfner,

Iron cross 2nd class award document to SS-Uscha E. Höpfner, 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-D..



1914 Iron cross 2nd class Provisional award document to Gefr. G. Endrefs, 1917 1914 Iron cross 2nd class Provisional award document to Gefr. G. Endrefs, 1917

1914 Iron cross 2nd class Provisional award document to Gefr. G. Endrefs, 1917

1914 Iron cross 2nd class Provisional award document to Gefr. G. Endrefs, 1917. ..



1914-18 Honour cross award document

1914-18 Honour cross award document. Awarded in 1934 with swastika stamp. Very g..



1914-1918 group to A. Alber, Inf. Rgt 475/413, EKII, WBiB, France, captured by Americans!

1914-1918 group to Andreas Alber, member of the Inf. Rgt 413. Albert saw front l..



1914-1918 Honor cross for widows (and parents of KIA soldiers) document to J. Merz V and M. Elisabetha

1914-1918 Honor cross  for widows (and parents of KIA soldiers) award docum..



1914-1918 Honor cross for widows award document to Marie Schulze from Jüterbog

1914-1918 Honor cross  for widows award document to Marie Schulze from Jüte..



1914-1918 Honor cross award document to Fr. Brautigam, Nürnberg 1935

1914-1918 Honor cross award document to Fr. Brautigam, Nürnberg 1935

1914-1918 Honor cross award document to Fr. Brautigam, Nürnberg 1935. Very good ..



1914-1918 Honor cross award document to Polizeiobersekretar H. Martin 1934

1914-1918 Honor cross award document to Polizeiobersekretar H. Martin 1934. Very..



1914-1918 Honor cross to O. Hautumm from Fulda, hand signed by Oberbürgermeister Dr. Franz Danzebrink 1914-1918 Honor cross to O. Hautumm from Fulda, hand signed by Oberbürgermeister Dr. Franz Danzebrink

1914-1918 Honor cross to O. Hautumm from Fulda, hand signed by Oberbürgermeister Dr. Franz Danzebrink

1914-1918 Honor cross to O. Hautumm from Fulda. Very good condition with nice st..



1914-1918 Honour cross with swords award document to Amtmann G. Scheer

1914-1918 Honour cross with swords award document to Amtmann G. Scheer. Good con..



1914-1918 WW1 Soldier groupin gto Gefr. Bürgard, Wound badge in black, service medal,..

1914-1918 WW1 Soldier groupin gto Gefr. Bürgard containing the documents for Wou..



1918 Bavarian service cross 3rd class with swords award document to A. Beer 1918 Bavarian service cross 3rd class with swords award document to A. Beer

1918 Bavarian service cross 3rd class with swords award document to A. Beer

1918 Bavarian service cross 3rd class with swords award document to A. Beer. Ver..



1918 Ludwig Cross award document to L. Gerlach 1918 Ludwig Cross award document to L. Gerlach

1918 Ludwig Cross award document to L. Gerlach

1918 Ludwig Cross award document. Very good condition. ..



1936 Olympia medal award document to customs officer, Berlin 1937

1936 Olympia medal award document to customs employee Walter Futh. Awarded in Ju..



1937 Workers book in the Krupp factory

1937 Workers book in the Krupp factory. Perfect condition...



Showing 1 to 20 of 1304 (66 Pages)