Photo's & Albums

Joseph Goebbels portrait photo by Hoffmann, hand signed by Dr. Goebbels!

 Joseph Goebbels original portrait photo by Hoffmann, München! At the front..



10 Touristic pictures of Brussels taken during World War II by Nels 10 Touristic pictures of Brussels taken during World War II by Nels

10 Touristic pictures of Brussels taken during World War II by Nels

10 Touristic pictures of Brussels taken during World War II by Nels. The Nels br..



11 period private photos Wehrmacht training with several MG's

11 period private photos Wehrmacht training with several MG's. Size 6 x 9 cm. Pe..



11 private photos Greece, Acropolis, old ruins,... 11 private photos Greece, Acropolis, old ruins,...

11 private photos Greece, Acropolis, old ruins,...

11 private photos Greece, Acropolis, old ruins,... Period photos with writings o..



1914 Framed portrait of Gerhard Lindemann... later Heeres Oaf and Knights Cross winner

1914 Framed portrait of Gerhard Lindemann... later Heeres Oaf and Knights Cross ..



1914 private photo of digging German soldiers

1914 private photo of digging German soldiers

1914 private photo of digging German soldiers. Postcard size. Period photo. Reve..



1914-1918 German infantry unit photo with "Der Spiess"

1914-1918 German infantry unit photo with "Der Spiess"

1914-1918 German infantry unit photo with "Der Spiess". Postcard size. Excellent..



1914-1918 period studio portrait photo, Russia 1916

1914-1918 period studio portrait photo, Russia 1916

1914-1918 period studio portrait photo, Russia 1916. Very good condition placed ..



1914-1918 Photo with decorated NCO, Infanterie Regiment 153, 1Kp

1914-1918 Photo with decorated NCO, Infanterie Regiment 153, 1Kp. Name and unit ..



1914-1918 Private photo of a crashed fighter plane with "Staffelabzeichen" of a white swan 1914-1918 Private photo of a crashed fighter plane with "Staffelabzeichen" of a white swan

1914-1918 Private photo of a crashed fighter plane with "Staffelabzeichen" of a white swan

1914-1918 Private photo of a crashed allied fighter plane with "Staffelabzeichen..



1914-1918 Submarine and Submariner with Iron Cross 2nd class North Sea 1916 1914-1918 Submarine and Submariner with Iron Cross 2nd class North Sea 1916

1914-1918 Submarine and Submariner with Iron Cross 2nd class North Sea 1916

1914-1918 Submarine and Submariner with Iron Cross 2nd class North Sea 1916. 6,5..



1940 photo album France/Belgium + diary

1940 photo album France/Belgium + diary. 43 original private photos. The man was..



1941 Werner Mölders presenting the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross to an unknown pilot

1941 Werner Mölders presenting the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross to an unknow..



2 early HJ photos, death of young boy 1934

2 early HJ photos, death of young boy 1934. Period photo paper. Very sharp ..



2 early SA photos, rare tinnie in wear

2 early SA photos, rare tinnie in wear. Period photo paper...



2 HJ photos in black uniform at the "Wehrertüchtigungslager (WE-Lager)"

2 HJ photos in black uniform at the "Wehrertüchtigungslager (WE-Lager)". This fa..



2 large Sturmgeschütz portrait photos 2 large Sturmgeschütz portrait photos

2 large Sturmgeschütz portrait photos

2 large Sturmgeschütz portrait photos. One with early green baret. Size 23 x 32 ..



2 Luftwaffe portrait photos taken in Höchst

2 Luftwaffe portrait photos taken by photographer F. Harz in Höchst, Germany. Po..



2 mountain trooper portraits 2 mountain trooper portraits

2 mountain trooper portraits

2 mountain trooper portraits of the same man. Interesting cap with metal ea..



2 panzer portrait photos 2 panzer portrait photos

2 panzer portrait photos

2 panzer portrait studio photos. Both postcard size, printed on period Mimosas p..



Showing 1 to 20 of 1545 (78 Pages)