War merit cross 2nd class w. swords award grouping to Uffz. O. Winter, Panzer factory worker Nibelungwerk in St Valentin

War merit cross 2nd class w. swords award grouping to Uffz. O. Winter, Panzer factory worker Nibelungwerk in St Valentin

War merit cross 2nd class w. swords award grouping to Uffz. O. Winter, Panzer factory worker Nibelungwerk in St Valentin

  • Product Code:6-03056
  • Availability:In Stock
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War merit cross 2nd class w. swords award grouping to Uffz. O. Winter. Eployed for a long time by Nibelungwerk in St Valentin, this large company was responsible for making half of the Pather tanks during the war. Winter was than transfered to the army as NCO and served withing the Pionier-Horch- und Minier-Kompanie Pinther in the Samland. Hand signed by General der Infanterie Hans Gollnick. 

With several other documents and Arbeitsbuch. 

Very interesting KVK group to a very small (and never seen) unit. 

Please check out the link below!

Nibelungenwerk - Wikipedia