Wound badge in black award document to W. Glawe, Artilleriefaehrprahm A.F. 62, allied attack 15 June 1944

Wound badge in black award document to W. Glawe, Artilleriefaehrprahm A.F. 62, allied attack  15 June 1944

Wound badge in black award document to W. Glawe, Artilleriefaehrprahm A.F. 62, allied attack 15 June 1944

  • Product Code:6-03144
  • Availability:In Stock
  • €175

Wound badge in black award document to Werner Glauwe, Steuermann of the Artilleriefaehrprahm (Artillery Ferry) A.F. 62 as part of the 6. Artl. Flottille and guarding the rivers in the West such as the Schelde. Glawe was wounded in action on 15.6.1944 probably by an allied air aid. Good condition with addional  post war document about Glawe being employed with the post war minesweeper department. 

Very rare unit!!! 

Based on the Marinefährprahm Type D, those Artillery Ferries were used for several different kind of operations. Although being first though as a provisional design, they took over the role of gunboats in various operational areas, including the British Channel, Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Besides their use as escort vessels, they were also occasionally used for shore bombardments and mine laying, they proved to be very usable crafts.  The ferries had a light armor protection, 20 mm armor steel and up to 100 mm concrete armor at the superstructures and ammunition stores.

Naval Testing - Artilleriefährprahm (AFP) - A Closer Look (youtube.com)