Luftwaffe pilot badge by Gebr. Wegerhoff + case

Luftwaffe pilot badge by Gebr. Wegerhoff + case

Luftwaffe pilot badge by Gebr. Wegerhoff + case

  • Product Code:3-16817
  • Availability:In Stock
  • €2.000

Luftwaffe pilot badge by Gebr. Wegerhoff, Lüdenscheid. Tombac constructed wreath with rivetted tombac eagle. Unmarked, typical early war Wegerhoff production. Very nicely cut out wings, thin swastika and beautiful detailed feathering. Excellent and probably never worn condition with super overal untouched patina. Sides of the wreath still sparkling like a mirror. Rivets in tight and very good condition. No repairs, no damage.

This pilot badge comes in its rare and matching, typical GWL case. These slightly larger square cases have an external locker and paper inlet. VERY hard to find!! 

Very nice absolute top set!