Soldbuch to Uffz. Jäger J. Kreiseder, Jäger Regiment 499, WIA Juchnow, wound badge black, KVKII

Soldbuch to Uffz. Jäger J. Kreiseder, Jäger Regiment 499, WIA  Juchnow, wound badge black, KVKII

Soldbuch to Uffz. Jäger J. Kreiseder, Jäger Regiment 499, WIA Juchnow, wound badge black, KVKII

  • Product Code:6-03892
  • Availability:In Stock
  • €245

Soldbuch to Uffz. Jäger J. Kreiseder,member of Gebirgsjäger Ersatz Regiment 136 and later transfered to Jäger Regiment 499 as part of the 268. Infanterie-Division. Kreiseder was awarded with the infantry assault badge in silver for the start of Operation Barbarossa. On 6.1.1942 Kreiseder was brought to Feldlazarett 263 with a bullet shot through his lungs in the area of Juchnow. He was awarded with the wound badge in black for this injury and later with the Eastern front campaign medal. Later he was discharged from the hospital and reserve and recovery units. An unusual civil photo of Kreiseder was placed inside of the Soldbuch after his bullet wound in the chest, wearing the party pin on the jacket. In January 1945 Kreiseder received the war merit cross with swords for his participation in these units. Soldbuch in very good condition, all pages intact. 

Interesting Soldbuch to a Jäger who was knocked out at the Eastern front.