Soldbuch to Oberleutnant A. Jochüms, Heeres Pi. Btl 236, KVKI 1st class and EKII on 30.3.1945 XXIV Pz. Korps

Soldbuch to Oberleutnant A. Jochüms, Heeres Pi. Btl 236, KVKI 1st class and EKII on 30.3.1945 XXIV Pz. Korps

Soldbuch to Oberleutnant A. Jochüms, Heeres Pi. Btl 236, KVKI 1st class and EKII on 30.3.1945 XXIV Pz. Korps

  • Product Code:6-03893
  • Availability:In Stock
  • €375

Soldbuch to Oberleutnant A. Jochüms, member of the Heeres Pionier Btl 236 (part of the 162. Infanterie-Division) , Jochüms received the war merit cross 2nd and 1st class, the Eastern front campaign medal, and the Slovakian merit cross 2nd class silver. Latre in the war he received the EKII on 30.3.1945 XXIV Pz. Korps. Zweitschirft was opened on 11.4.1945 with fantastic portrait photo of this Oberleutnant who had just received his EKII of the 24. Pz. Korps that was fighting at the Oder in the Schlesien area. 

Beautiful Soldbuch to a high decorated Oberleutnant!!