Large document grouping to Inspektor J. Petritsch, Ljubljana Slovenia 1944

Large document grouping to Inspektor J. Petritsch, Ljubljana Slovenia 1944

Large document grouping to Inspektor J. Petritsch, Ljubljana Slovenia 1944

  • Product Code:6-03896
  • Availability:In Stock
  • €85

Large document grouping to Inspektor J. Petritsch. Petritsch initialy served with the Austrian army durinf WW1, then the Yugoslavian army from 1918 till 1941 after the annaxation of Italy. He was then transferred to the Heeresdienst as technical Inspector with Heer Abt Insp XVII. He was part of the large "Umsiedler" program of the Third Reich and was given an address in Klagenfurt, Austria as he initially came from Ljubljana Slovenia. After the surrender of Nzi Germany Petritsch remained in American captivity and was employed later in 1945 a wood factory. 

An interesting and large grouping that could use some extra research.