TDB Soldbuch grouping to Oberfährich K. von Irmer, knocked out T34!!! Tank destruction badge and EK1 1945

TDB Soldbuch grouping to Oberfährich K. von Irmer, knocked out T34!!! Tank destruction badge and EK1 1945

TDB Soldbuch grouping to Oberfährich K. von Irmer, knocked out T34!!! Tank destruction badge and EK1 1945

  • Product Code:6-03922
  • Availability:In Stock
  • SOLD

Tank destruction grouping to Oberfährich Kurt von Irmer, member of several artillery regiment, ending in Artillerie-Regiment 1562 and Reiter regiment 1. On 22.1.1945 von Irmer knocked out a enemy T34 panzer with a Panzerfaust in Eastern Prussia and was awarded with the EK1 and tank destruction badge. The group consists of an outstanding tank destruction badge with green canvas backing. The compleyte Soldbuch of von Irmer, with entries for the Infantry assault badge, Iron cross 2nd class wound badge in black, iron cross 1st class and the tank desruction badge. Excellent uniform photo of von Irmer. with rank of Gefreiter! With the Soldbuch the rare provisional award document for the EK1 and the tank destruction badge mentioning the place and date of the knocked out T34. 

Incredibly nice and super rare grouping.