Post war photo of Rudolf von Ribbentrop with original signature, SS-LAH + SS-Hitlerjugend, Knight's cross

Post war photo of Rudolf von Ribbentrop with original signature, SS-LAH + SS-Hitlerjugend, Knight's cross

Post war photo of Rudolf von Ribbentrop with original signature, SS-LAH + SS-Hitlerjugend, Knight's cross

  • Product Code:6-03917
  • Availability:In Stock
  • €75

Post war photo of Rudolf von Ribbentrop with original signature, SS-Leibstandarte + SS-Hitlerjugend, Knight's cross. 15,2x10,2cm Fujifilm photo paper. Excellent condition.

SS-Hauptsturmführer von Ribbentrop was the son of the minister of the exterior Joachim von Ribbentrop. He was nominated for the German Cross in gold for repeated acts of bravery but received the Knight's Cross instead. One of his feats was the break-up of a very strong tank attack at Prokhorovka during the battle of Kursk in which his tank alone destroyed 14 tanks. He received the German Cross in gold in 1944 and the wound badge in gold in December 1945 for his sixth wound.

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