Wehrpass to A. Meissl, Panzer Grenadier, 2. Pz. Division, PAB bronze WBiB 1943

Wehrpass to A. Meissl, Panzer Grenadier, 2. Pz. Division, PAB bronze WBiB 1943

Wehrpass to A. Meissl, Panzer Grenadier, 2. Pz. Division, PAB bronze WBiB 1943

  • Product Code:6-03934
  • Availability:In Stock
  • SOLD

Wehrpass to A Meissl, member of the Panzer Grenadier Regiment 304 as parts of the 2. Pz. Division! Meissl was awarded with the Panzer assault badge in bronce and the wound badge in black for a heavy injury by shrapnell on  4.9.1943 in the Orel area in Russia.

Wehrpass in perfect mint condition with extra "Antrag" for the award of the panzer assault badge in bronze, specifying the 3 "Kampfeinsatztage" Meissel went through. Signed by his Kompanie Führer Hausner.  Also comes with two extra documents related to his heavy inury. Meissel was hit with shrapnel that had inpact over his whole body. Very uncommon preliminary wound badge in black award document, awarded in the hospital of Bialystok. On this document they specify the places of the shrapnel injuries "Gr. Spl. Verl. Rücken beider Füse und beider Hände", both foot and hands!! After his hospitalisation Meissl was sent to a recovery unit in which he stayed. 

Top combat Wehrpass to a Panzer Grenadier with PAB bronze with beautiful elaboration about both awards and why they were award!!